Friday 13 July 2012

45 Southside Gallery

My work is now available to buy from 45 Southside Gallery on the Plymouth barbican!!!

Summer Show

We had a very successful summer show this year! The studio looked amazing and everyone's work looked fab! Here are some pictures of my own work:

Here are a selection of photos of other student's work:

Moira White

Natasha Wightman

Stewart Rankin

Jane Mooney (link)

Sian Dabner (link)

Jessica Thorn (link)

Bovey Tracy Contemporary Craft Festival

Pca had a stand at the Contemporary Craft Festival this year, everyone's work looked great!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

London Trip

On Saturday 2nd June I headed to London with the 14-16 Saturday Arts Club groups to see their exhibition at Somerset House. Their work looked great in the gallery and they all got to meet Mr and Mrs Sorrell, who fund the club.

What a fab day and their work looked amazing!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Final Pieces

Some of my final pieces. A selection will be shown at the PCA stand at the Bovey Tracy Contemporary Craft Festival on the 17th-19th June!

Table set up for Final Major Project Assessment.

Saturday 12 May 2012

One Week Left!

One week until the assessment! Panic time!!! Have been throwing lots of bowls and am finding it very satisfying that I am getting quicker.

I am glazing the bowls with my own glazes, working with my own drawings in a similar way to the coasters. This time however I am trying to plan the designs more.

These are designs that went into the kiln on Friday, I will have to wait until Monday to see how they will come out. I did do a few testers last week, which I think are really successful. 

I had a few problems with getting the transfers to stick, part of the smallest one has not stuck. I will have to be more careful with the next ones to make sure this doesn't happen again. 

I have a lot to do next week!

Sunday 22 April 2012

Transfer Work

As practices for my final piece I have produced a number of coasters which use my glazes along with transfers of my own ink drawings. Some were more successful than others but I am able to use these as a basis for how to decorate my final designs.